CodeBlue Networks provides your organization with the first line of defense against viruses and security threats that can be a result of outdated Anti-virus software and unpatched systems.

We can provide you with a complete Core Security package that includes the #1 rated Antivirus software out in the market today. We will work to keep your PCs safe and your employees productive. All at a price that is easy on the budget.

Every minute counts in today’s fast-paced business environment. Stop wasting your valuable time and energy on the planning, selection, deployment, testing, and updating of your Anti-virus software. And don’t leave the safety and security of your network environment in the hands of your employees by holding them responsible for ensuring their PCs are continually updated with the latest Windows security patches. Keeping your workstation environment up to date and secure can be time-consuming and costly if not handled properly.

environment and start breathing easy. Don’t be afraid of an audit… be ready for it!

“After a major loss of business data, only 6% of businesses will survive long term!”


  • Code Blue Networks has been providing my businesses website with hosting for years and I've never experienced one minute of downtime. I can't say enough about their outstanding services.
  • Code Blue Networks keeps our website updated and secure so that we can focus on running our business instead of worrying about our website.

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CodeBlue Network’s Desktop Core Security program will provide you with the skilled IT resources and enterprise-class security software you need to ensure the ongoing protection of your PCs against the ever-present threat of viruses and malware attacks that can result from outdated AV software and unpatched PCs.

Key Features

  • Enterprise Class Solution – Encompassing more than just anti-virus, our solution supports full endpoint security.
  • Proactive Approach – Comprised of advanced technologies that can detect and deploy the latest security patches and let us know which PCs have missing patches.
  • Transparency via Detailed Reporting – A wide range of reports are provided monthly to ensure you have visibility into what is happening.
  • Fully Monitored System – We monitor your entire PC environment to ensure it remains healthy and protected and will act immediately if there is an issue.

Benefits of Backup and Disaster Recovery

Reduce Operating Costs – One security incident or an unpatched desktop can stop your employees from being 100% productive, which will affect your bottom line. A virus can hit many machines and take weeks to eradicate.  By removing this risk, it will save you money!

Protect Your Company’s Critical Assets and Information – Combining our award-winning AV software with our patch management solution will ensure an additional layer of protection for your workstation environment. We will ensure that all of your Microsoft applications and platforms, as well as your 3rd Party applications,  remain up to date with the latest patches.

Comprehensive Reporting – Have confidence that your systems are continually being protected! We will provide you with monthly reports that will demonstrate the effectiveness of our service.

95% of small and midsize businesses have an antivirus installed, but 74% still experienced attacks last year!

Threats facing SMBs today:
  • Ransomware
  • Network Viruses
  • Spyware
  • Data Theft
  • Phishing Attacks
  • Email Spam and Malware
  • Security Threats
  • Weak Passwords
  • Employees
  • Unpatched Devices
Stand-alone Anti-Virus Software:
  • Provides a point solution to specific issues
  • Requires manual monitoring and maintenance to remain current and effective
  • Relies on end-user decisions for operation
  • Does not provide consistent version control across desktops
  • Does not provide centralized management and lacks reporting
Managed Anti-Virus:
  • Provides proactive and comprehensive security, monitoring and management
  • Centralizes the deployment and updating of software to ensure coverage and consistency
  • Automates management processes to avoid errors and reduce costs
  • Leverages expert IT skills
  • Monthly reporting to show you are protected

Interested in learning more about our services?

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